Shop Smart & Save Infographic

Smart shopping on a budget means knowing what to buy and when.

Plan Ahead

  • Sign up for a reward card. Sign up for a reward card (loyalty program) with your grocery store(s). Scan the card as you check out to receive deals automatically.

  • Use coupons and coupon apps. Collect coupons. With a reward card, you will get email coupons and can download online coupons. Use coupon apps.

  • Know what you have. Inventory your pantry and refrigerator each week.

  • Plan meals each week. Keep recipes, grocery lists, receipts and coupons in one place to make planning easier.

  • Make a shopping list. Be specific with descriptions. Note the quantity needed and which coupons you have.

  • Save receipts. For each week, compare what you spent to what you budgeted. Adjust your meal planning and budgeting if necessary.

At the Grocery Store

  • Compare prices. Store-brand products may be more affordable.

  • Use coupons but compare prices and nutrition facts. A coupon may not always be the best deal or the healthiest option.

  • Buy in bulk. You may save money. Just be sure you have room to store what you’ve bought in your pantry or freezer.

  • Save with seasonal produce. Buying produce that’s in season can save you money. Can or freeze it for year-round use.

  • Don’t check out at the checkout. Pay attention at the register to make sure you get all your discounts and savings.

Budget Friendly Recipes

Overnight No-Cook Banana Oatmeal

This is a perfect breakfast for those busy weekday mornings.

Easy Chicken Salad

Chicken salad is perfect for a quick lunch or a meal on the go.

Southwest Slow Cooker Chicken

Check out this great slow cooker recipe that your family is sure to love!


Nationally Supported by

Egg Nutrition Center

Nationally Supported by
Egg Nutrition Center

Albertsons Companies' Sincerely Health

Nationally Supported by
Albertsons Companies' Sincerely Health


Nationally Supported by

Avocados From Mexico

Nationally Supported by
Avocados From Mexico

Eggland's Best

Nationally Supported by
Eggland's Best