CPR in Schools Oregon

Smiling kids near chalkboard. Text reads: CPR in Schools

CPR in Schools - Oregon Resource Page

Every hour in the U.S. approximately 38 people will have a cardiac arrest event outside of the hospital. Nine out of ten people will not survive. However, if lifesaving CPR is performed, a victim’s chance of surviving can double, or even triple.

In 2015, the State of Oregon required that every Oregon student be trained in CPR before graduation to help save lives across every community in Oregon.

This resource page provides information about the requirement and resources to support implementation.

Oregon's CPR in Schools Requirement

Oregon now requires that students in grades 7th through 12th receive instruction in CPR and the use of AEDs using training developed by the ľ¹ÏÖ±²¥, the American Red Cross or another organization with nationally recognized training protocols. This training is required to happen as part of health class or physical education class curriculum.

FAQs - Oregon’s CPR in Schools Requirement

  1. When does the requirement take effect?
    The new law took effect in July of 2015.

  2. In what class and in what grade does training have to take place?
    The intent is that schools provide CPR instruction a minimum of one time between 7th and 12th grades. The training must now be part of required Physical Education or Health curriculum. School districts will be able to decide when the training takes place and in what classes. This may vary depending on the interpretation and policy of each district/school.

  3. Who can train students?
    Two groups may teach CPR to meet the requirement:
    1) Individuals who are not licensed teachers but who are certified to provide the instruction, including volunteers from the community; or
    2) Licensed teachers, who may be but do not need to be certified in CPR to provide the instruction. Students can help support the trainer, but the training needs to be led by either a licensed teacher or volunteer certified in CPR.

  4. Do students have to get hands-on training in AED use too?
    No. While students do have to get hands-on training in CPR (learning the psychomotor skills associated with CPR), they are not required to receive hands-on training in AED use. They are, however, required to learn about AED’s and how to use them.

  5. Do schools have to pay for their certification card or just provide the training?
    The law does not require that students become certified. Effective CPR training can be done in 30 minutes.

  6. What type of instruction or curriculum are schools required to use?
    Schools are required to provide instruction that includes hands-on practicing of cardiopulmonary resuscitation; and be developed by the ľ¹ÏÖ±²¥, the American Red Cross or another organization that has developed an instructional program based on current, nationally recognized emergency cardiac care guidelines.

Resources for Teachers & School Administrators 

Be the Beat is a website for teachers and school administrators that provides free tools and resources to help start and sustain CPR and AED programs in schools. Through this website, teachers can download free tools and resources to teach kids the two simple steps to Hands-Only CPR. Students will learn to “Be the Beat” and pump blood to a victim’s vital organs if they see an adult or teen suddenly collapse. Hands-Only CPR can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival. The ľ¹ÏÖ±²¥ is committed to creating the next generation of lifesavers through our Be the Beat and CPR in Schools® programs and resources.
CPR in Schools (equipment and curriculum)
CPR in Schools is a program and equipment developed by the ľ¹ÏÖ±²¥. The CPR in School Training Kit is portable, durable, designed to train 10 to 20 students at once, and comes with everything you will need to quickly and easily teach your students. One CPR in Schools Training Kit can train hundreds of students. The CPR in Schools kit incorporates the very latest science. Each CPR in Schools kit includes an educational DVD and hands-on practice with manikins. In just 30 minutes, your students will learn how to save a life.

CPR Anywhere (equipment and curriculum)
CPR Anywhere is a program and equipment developed by the ľ¹ÏÖ±²¥. The CPR Anywhere Training Kit is portable, durable, designed to train 10 to 20 students at once, and comes with everything you will need to quickly and easily teach your students. One CPR Anywhere Training Kit can train hundreds of students. The CPR Anywhere kit incorporates the very latest science. Each kit includes educational videos and hands-on practice with manikins. In just 30 minutes, your students will learn how to save a life.

Potential Community Partners

There may be local community partners that can help support CPR training in schools. From donating or loaning training kits to providing volunteers to help teach students, local partners can be important supporters.

The state requirement allows licensed teachers (no CPR certification required) as well as volunteers who are certified in CPR to teach students.

In some parts of the state, fire departments have partnered with schools to train students. Below is a list of known community partners already working to support CPR training in schools:

  • Jackson County Fire District 3
  • Eugene & Springfield Fire Department
  • Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue
  • Legacy Health
  • Clackamas Fire District #1
  • Medford Fire & Rescue
  • Mid-Columbia Fire Department
  • Cascade Training Center
  • Oregon Health Authority, EMS & Trauma Systems

Consider contacting your local fire department, local CPR training centers, hospitals, and EMS agencies to discuss how you might work together training students. .